Upstate Pride SC

Upstate Pride SC

Empowering people of all gender expressions and sexual identities

Black Pride Week

Black Pride Week is an opportunity for marginalized people to drive an event for the entire community. This all-inclusive event is an opportunity for fellowship and celebration.

Black Pride Week is held in June

Parade and Festival: June 29, 2024
Where: South Main Street, Downtown Greenville
Time: Festival 11 AM — 6PM, March begins at 11 AM, Festival begins at 12 PM

Who We Are

Upstate Pride SC empowers people of all gender expressions and sexual identities in the Upstate of South Carolina by promoting acceptance through education, advocacy and networking.


Spartanburg Pride March & Festival

This year, the Upstate SC Pride March and Festival will move into the streets of downtown Spartanburg. The festival will feature vendors, food trucks and performers.

When: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. November 2, 2024, March begins at Noon.
Where: Barnet Park - 248 E Saint John Street, Between Church and Main Street in downtown Spartanburg

 Thank You To Our Fall Pride Partners


As a non-profit organization, we are fueled by the generosity of those we serve – people of all gender expressions and sexual identities. The Pride community has made great strides, but the road ahead is still long, and the need for support is as strong as ever. Make a tax-deductible donation today to help provide advocacy, education, and networking opportunities to the still under-served Upstate Pride community.


Upstate Pride SC serves the 10-county region of the upstate of South Carolina including Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg and Union counties.

Demand Greenville County Libraries Support PRIDE

On June 22, 2022, the Greenville County Library Board of Trustees demanded that all public libraries in Greenville County remove displays commemorating Pride month. Read a joint statement by Upstate Pride SC, Upstate SC LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, and ACLU of South Carolina.