
Learn why we center BIPOC as an LGBTQ+ organization

Learn about our history, who we are, and what we do


Grow your business or organization at our events

Our annual fall festival in downtown Spartanburg 

Make a difference by funding progress in the upstate

Our annual Pride Month event in downtown Greenville

Annual event promoting health and open to all

Event calendar with events from organizations all over the upstate


Make a difference with a donation today

Grow your business or organization at our events

Make a difference by funding progress in the upstate

Check out opportunities to partner with UPSC

Get Involved

Upstate SC LGBTQ  Chamber of Commerce business directory

Resources especially for young members of the community

Find welcoming and affirming places of worship 

Find LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare and therapy

Local sports leagues and outdoor activities

Advocacy organizations and support groups for all needs


Support and resources for getting gender-affirming care

Youth Resources

Uplift Outreach provides space for LGBTQ+ youth to come and meet community and learn new skills. They also offer free mental health care for Spartanburg County youth.

Support and Social groups

Uplift Outreach

Emergency homeless shelter for youth aged 12-21. The drop-in center offers basic needs (showers, laundry, food) to youth experiencing homelessness. The brand new transitional living program provides up to 18 months of shelter with structured skill building and case management support for youth up to 21 years old who are experiencing homelessness, with two HUD housing programs for youth up to 24 years old.

Shelter and basic necessities

Pendleton Place

The Queer Wellness Center offers a resource closet to help meet basic needs such as clothing, shoes, and hygiene items.

Basic necessities

QWC Resource Closet

Project Pronouns creates pronoun swag and donate it to youth, free of charge. Adults may also purchase, and those funds go back into Project Pronouns to purchase supplies to create more pronoun swag for youth. 

Pronoun jewelry

Project Pronouns

Pridefest Collaborative is a non-profit made up of like-minded individuals that care for, support, and protect LGBTQIA+ youth and their families. They collaborate and connect with organizations and businesses that do the same and help create unity in the mission to help make the world a little more fun and a lot more safe for LGBTQIA+ youth and their families.

Community and Events


Looking for more resources?

For more resources, including statewide, national, and online resources, check out the Jacob's Ladder resource list. 

Jacob's Ladder